V.E. BENES  &  I. KARATZAS  (1981)  A degree method for free boundaries in stochastic control.  SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization 19, 283-332.

V.E. BENES  &  I. KARATZAS  (1981)  Filtering for piecewise-linear drift and observation.  Proc. 20th IEEE Conference on Decision & Control  2, 583-589.

V.E. BENES  &  I. KARATZAS  (1983)   On the relation between Zakai’s and Mortensen’s equations.  SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization  21, 472-489.

V.E. BENES  &  I. KARATZAS  (1983)  Estimation and control for linear, partially observable systems with non-gaussian initial distribution.  Stochastic Processes & Applications  14, 233-248.

I. KARATZAS  (1983)  A class of singular stochastic control problems. Advances in Applied Probability 15, 225 -254.

I. KARATZAS  (1984)  Gittins indices in the dynamic allocation problem for diffusion processes. Annals of Probability 12, 173-192.

I. KARATZAS  &  S.E. SHREVE  (1984)  Trivariate density for Brownian motion, its local and occupation times, with application to stochastic control.  Annals of Probability  12, 856-877.

V.E. BENES  &  I. KARATZAS  (1984)  Filtering of diffusions controlled through their conditional measures.  Stochastics  13, 1-23.

I. KARATZAS & S.E. SHREVE  (1984/85)  Connections between optimal stopping and singular stochastic control: I, Monotone follower problems; II, Reflected follower problems. SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization 22, 856-877 ; 23, 433-451.

I. KARATZAS   (1985)  Probabilistic aspects of finite-fuel stochastic control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 82, 5579-5581.

I. KARATZAS  &  S.E. SHREVE  (1987)   A decomposition of the Brownian path.  Statistics & Probability Letters  5, 87-93.

I. KARATZAS, J.P. LEHOCZKY & S.E. SHREVE   (1987)  Optimal portfolio and consumption decisions for a small investor on a finite time-horizon. SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization 25, 1557-1586.

I. KARATZAS   (1988)   On the pricing of American Options.  Applied Mathematics & Optimization 17,  37-60.

N. El KAROUI & I. KARATZAS  (1991)  A new approach to the Skorohod problem, and its applications.  Stochastics  34,  57-82.


D. OCONE &  I. KARATZAS  (1991)  A generalized Clark representation formula, with applications to optimal portfolios.  Stochastics  37,  187-220.


I. KARATZAS,  D. OCONE & J. LI  (1991)  An extension of  J.M.C. Clark’s formula.  Stochastics  37,  127-131.


I. KARATZAS,  J.P. LEHOCZKY, S.E. SHREVE  &  G.L. XU  (1991)  Martingale and duality methods for utility maximization in an incomplete market. SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization  29, 702-730.


V.E. BENES, I. KARATZAS  & R.W. RISHEL (1991)  The separation principle for a Bayesian adaptive control problem with no strict-sense optimal law.  Stochastics Monographs  5,  121-156.


I. KARATZAS,  J.P. LEHOCZKY &  S.E. SHREVE  (1991)  Equilibrium models with singular asset-prices.  Mathematical Finance  1 (3),  11-29.


I. KARATZAS,  P. LAKNER,  J.P. LEHOCZKY &  S.E. SHREVE   (1991)  Dynamic  equilibrium in a simplified stochastic economy with heterogeneous agents.  In Stochastic Analysis: Liber Amicorum for Moshe Zakai,  245-272.  Academic Press.


J. CVITANIC  &  I. KARATZAS  (1992)  Convex duality in constrained portfolio optimization.  Annals of Applied Probability  2, 767-718.


I. KARATZAS  &  D.OCONE  (1992)  The resolvent of a degenerate diffusion on the plane, with applications.  Annals of Applied Probability 2, 629-668.


N. El KAROUI  &  I. KARATZAS  (1993)  General Gittins index processes in discrete time.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  90, 1232-1236.


J. CVITANIC  &  I. KARATZAS   (1993)   Hedging contingent claims with constrained portfolios.  Annals of Applied Probability  3, 652-681.


M. DAVIS  &  I. KARATZAS  (1994)  A deterministic approach to optimal stopping.  In Probability, Statistics and Optimization: A Tribute to Peter Whittle  (F. Kelly, editor),  455-466.  J. Wiley & Sons, New York & Chichester.


I. KARATZAS, M.SHUBIK  &  W.D. SUDDERTH (1994)  Stationary Markovian equilibrium for a strategic market game.  Mathematics of Operations Research  19,  975-1006.


J. CVITANIC  &  I. KARATZAS  (1995)  On portfolio optimization under “drawdown” constraints.  IMA Lecture Notes in Mathematics & Applications  65, 77-88.


N. El KAROUI  &  I. KARATZAS  (1995)  On the optimal stopping problem associated with an American put-option.  IMA Lecture Notes in Mathematics & Applicatioins  65, 35-46.


A. CADENILLAS  &  I. KARATZAS (1995)  The maximum principle for linear convex stochastic systems with random coefficients.  SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization  33, 597-624.


I. KARATZAS  &  S.G. KOU  (1996)  On the pricing of contingent claims under constraints.  Annals of Applied Probability  6, 321-369.


J. CVITANIC &  I. KARATZAS  (1996)  Hedging and utility maximization with transaction costs: a martingale approach.  Mathematical Finance  6, 113-165.


I. PIKOVSKY  &  I. KARATZAS  (1996)  Anticipative stochastic optimization. Advances in Applied Probability  28, 1095-1122.


J. CVITANIC  &  I. KARATZAS  (1996)  Backwards stochastic differential equations and Dynkin games.  Annals of Probability  24, 2024-2056.


I. KARATZAS, M. SHUBIK  &  W.D. SUDDERTH  (1997)   A strategic market game with secured lending.  Journal of Mathematical Economics  28, 207-247.


I. KARATZAS  (1997)  Adaptive control of a diffusion to a goal, and a parabolic Monge-Ampere-type equation.  Asian Journal of Mathematics  1,  295-313.


N. El KAROUI & I. KARATZAS  (1997)   Synchronization and optimality for multi-armed bandit problems in continuous time.  Computational and Applied  Mathematics 16, 117-152.


F.M. BALDURSSON  &  I. KARATZAS  (1997)  Irreversible investment and industry equilibrium.  Finance & Stochastics 1, 66-89.


I. KARATZAS  &  S.G. KOU  (1998)  Hedging American contingent claims with constrained portfolios.  Finance & Stochastics  2, 215-258.


J. CVITANIC,  I. KARATZAS  &  H.M. SONER (1998)  Backwards stochastic differential equations with constraints on the gains process.  Annals of Probability  26, 1522-1551.


J. CVITANIC  &  I. KARATZAS  (1999)   On dynamic measures of risk.  Finance &  Stochastics  3, 451-482.


I. KARATZAS, D. OCONE,  H. WANG  &  M. ZERVOS  (2000)  Finite-fuel singular control with discretionary stopping.  Stochastics  71, 1-50.


J. GEANAKOPLOS, I. KARATZAS, M. SHUBIK  &  W.D. SUDDERTH  (2000)  A strategic market game with active bankruptcy.   Journal of Mathematical  Economics  34, 359-396.


I. KARATZAS  &  H. WANG  (2000)  A Barrier Option of American type.  Applied Mathematics & Optimization  42, 259-280.


I. KARATZAS  &  W.D. SUDDERTH  (2001)  The controller-and-stopper game for a linear diffusion.  Annals of Probability  29, 1111-1127.


I. KARATZAS  &  H. WANG  (2001)  Utility maximization with discretionary stopping.  SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization  39, 306-329.


J. CVITANIC  &  I. KARATZAS  (2001)  Generalized Neyman-Pearson lemma via convex duality.  Bernoulli  7, 79-97.


I. KARATZAS  &  H. WANG  (2001)   Connections between bounded-variation control and Dynkin games.  In “Optimal Control and Partial Differential Equations”; Volume in Honor of Professor Alain Bensoussan’s 60th Birthday  (J.L.Menaldi, A.Sulem and E.Rofman, eds.),  pp. 353-362.  IOS Press, Amsterdam.


S. DAYANIK  &  I. KARATZAS  (2003)  On the optimal stopping problem for one-dimensional diffusions.  Stochastic Processes & Applications  107, 173-212.


I. KARATZAS  &  G. ZITKOVIC  (2003)  Optimal consumption from investment and random endowment in incomplete semi-martingale markets.  Annals of Probability 31, 1821-1858.


I. KARATZAS  (2003)  A note on Bayesian sequential detection with expected miss criterion.  Statistics and Decisions  21, 3-13.


J. DETEMPLE  &   I. KARATZAS  (2003)  Non-addictive habits: optimal portfolio and consumption policies.  Journal of Economic Theory  113, 265-285.


Ch. HOU  &   I. KARATZAS   (2004)   Least-Squares Approximation of Random Variables by Stochastic Integrals.  Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 41, 144-161.


V.E. BENES, I. KARATZAS, D. OCONE  &  H. WANG  (2004)   Control with partial observations and explicit solution of Mortensen’s equation.   Applied Mathematics & Optimi-zation  49, 217-240.


E.R. FERNHOLZ,  I. KARATZAS  &  C. KARDARAS  (2005)   Diversity and arbitrage in financial markets.  Finance & Stochastics  9, 1-27.


A. BANNER, E.R. FERNHOLZ  &  I. KARATZAS  (2005)   Atlas models of equity  markets.  Annals of Applied Probability 15, 2296-2330.


E.R. FERNHOLZ &  I. KARATZAS  (2005)   Relative arbitrage in volatility-stabilized markets.  Annals of Finance 1, 149-177.


E. BAYRAKTAR, S. DAYANIK  &  I. KARATZAS  (2006)  Adaptive Poisson disorder problem.  Annals of Applied Probability  16, 1190-1261.


I. KARATZAS, M. SHUBIK, W.D. SUDDERTH  & J. GEANAKOPLOS  (2006)  The harmonic Fisher equation and the inflationary bias of real uncertainty.  Economic Theory 28, 481-512.









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