A new website for the stacks project

Today the new version of the Stacks project website went online! Before reading the rest of this post, I suggest heading over there and checking it out!

First of all, huge thanks go to Pieter Belmans who wrote all the code for the website (and also the previous website). It was Pieter’s idea to start using plasTeX to parse the LaTeX code. To parse mathematical texts including lots of formulas with plasTeX a lot of code was added to plasTeX by Pieter Belmans and Raymond Cheng. Combining this with the latex code you find in the Stacks project you get the website you see when you click on the first link above. To read about the interplay between the different parts or if you want to setup a site like this for yourself, please visit theĀ Gerby project website.

There are several improvements of the new site over the old one. The foremost for users is probably that the new site works very well on phones and tablets. Most of the features of the old site are still there, except for the graphs; these may return in the future — feel free to help us with that! You can also help us by letting us know if you find some button or feature of the new site that doesn’t work as expected. Either leave a comment on the site, make an issue on github, or email one of us.

On a technical level, a big improvement of the new site over the old one is the separation of the website and the underlying latex project. This makes it significantly easier to start your own geometry overĀ F1 project. Again, please visit the Gerby project link above to see how… Of course you still have to write all the mathematics yourself!

Worked through your comments

OK, once more I have worked through all the comments left on the Stacks project website since I did last time. Thanks to everybody.

One thing that’s different this time is that I have not updated the server with the corresponding changes over the last few days. This will happen at the beginning of the next week when we switch over to the new website running the Stacks project (thanks to work of Pieter Belmans and Raymond Cheng). I will write another blog post when that happens. For now, if you are interested in the tools we will be using, you can take a look at plastex and gerby-website.