The main goals of these lectures are:
1. Provide a comprehensive introduction to the proof of the nonlinear stability of slowly rotating Kerr black holes established recently in the sequence of works [Kl-Sz:Kerr], [GKS-2022], [Kl-Sz:GCM1], [Kl-Sz:GCM2] and [Shen], and briefed in [Kl-Sz:review].
2. Discuss the geometric formalism based on non-integrable null horizontal structures used in these works. Derive the main Teukolsky and generalized Regge- Wheeler equations. These follow the material 1 of Part 1 in [GKS-2022].
3. Discuss the proof of the basic hyperbolic estimates, Morawetz and rp-weighted, following Part 2 of [GKS-2022].
4. Discuss open problems related to these topics.
First lecture: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Meeting on Wednesdays at 2:45 p.m.
Room 507, Mathematics Hall
2990 Broadway (117th Street)