Title: Matrix Rigidity Speaker: Josh Alman (Columbia CS) Date, Time, Location: Wed. Sept 25 @ 4:30 PM in 520 Math Hall Abstract: A matrix is called rigid if one must […]
Title: Matrix Rigidity Abstract: A matrix is called rigid if one must change many of its entries before it becomes a low-rank matrix. Leslie Valiant introduced the notion in 1977 […]
Title: Symmetries of manifolds Abstract: Whenever one studies a mathematical object one ought also to study its symmetries. Manifolds are the central objects of study in topology and geometry, and their […]
Special time, location: Tue. Feb. 27, 4:10-5:25pm, 407 Math Title: Universally counting curves in Calabi–Yau threefolds Abstract: Statements such as “there is a unique line between any pair of distinct […]
Title: Curvature blow up at big bang singularities Abstract: Singularities have been accepted as a natural feature in general relativity since the appearance of the singularity theorems of Hawking and […]
Title: On High Girth Steiner-Triple Systems and Subspace Designs Abstract: We discuss the recent resolutions of the 1973 conjecture of Erdős on the existence of high girth Steiner triple systems and the […]
Title: Dieudonné theory: from classical to modern Abstract: Dieudonné theory gives a classification in terms of “semi-linear algebra” of finite flat commutative group schemes of p-power order over a perfect […]
Title: Fourier uniformity of multiplicative functions Abstract: The Fourier uniformity conjecture seeks tounderstand what multiplicative functions can have large Fourier coefficients onmany short intervals. We will discuss recent progress on this problem […]
Title: Random lattices with symmetries
Title: Generalizing Lie theory to higher dimensions – the De Rham theorem on simplices and cubes