First position of PhD graduates
Sam DeHortity, May 2024, Gibbs Assistant Professor (Yale University)
Cailan Li, May 2024, Postdoctoral Fellow (Academia Sinica)
Haodong Yao, May 2024, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Zhejiang University)
Chilin Zhang, May 2024, Postdoctoral Fellow (Fudan University)
Tsz Kiu Aaron Chow, October 2023, Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow (MIT)
Sayan Das, May 2023, Dickson Instructor (University of Chicago)
Yash Deshmukh, May 2023, Postdoctoral Fellow (Max Planck, Bonn)
Lea Kenigsberg, May 2023, Postdoctoral Fellow (University of California, Davis)
Yu-Sheng Lee, May 2023, Assistant Professor (University of Michigan)
Juan Muñoz Echaniz, May 2023, Research Assistant Professor (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University)
Kevin Smith, May 2023, Heilbronn Research Fellow (Imperial College, London)
Mrudul Thatte, October 2023, Lecturer, Early Career Fellowship (Columbia University)
Song Yu, May 2023, Caltech-Tsinghua Joint Postdoctoral Fellow (Caltech, California and Tsinghua YMSC, Beijing)
Robin Zhang, May 2023, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow (MIT)
Weitao, Zhu, May 2023, Quantitative Researcher (Virtu Financial)
Stanislav Atanasov, May 2022, Quantitative Researcher (Chicago Trading Company, NYC)
Raymond Cheng, May 2022, Postdoctoral Fellow (Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Nguyen Dung, May 2022, Quantitative Researcher (Goldman Sachs, London)
Gerhardt Hinkle, October 2022, Lecturer, Early Career Fellowship (Columbia University)
Chung Hang Kwan, May 2022, Research Fellow (University College London, UK)
Noah Olander, May 2022, Postdoctoral Fellow (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Shalin Parek, May 2022, Novikov Instructor (University of Maryland)
Alex Pieloch, May 2022, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow (MIT, Massachusetts)
Maithreya Sitaraman, May 2022, Associate, Equity Derivatives (Nomura Securities, New York)
Jingze Zhu, May 2022, C.L.E. Moore Instructor (MIT, Massachusetts)
Clara Dolfen, May 2021, Quantitive Researcher (G-Research, London)
Hugo Falconet, May 2021, Courant Instructor (NYU)
Yakov Kononov, May 2021, Gibbs Assistant Professor (Yale)
Yier Lin, May 2021, Postdoctoral Fellow (MSRI)
Huaxin Liu, May 2021, Postdoctoral Research Associate (University of Oxford)
Samuel Mundy, May 2021, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow (Princeton)
Keaton Naff, May 2021, NSF Postdoctoral fellow (MIT)
Renata Picciotto, May 2021, Postdoctoral Fellow (Université d’Angers)
Semon Rezchikov, Oct 2021, Postdoctoral Fellow (Harvard University)
Mark Rychnovsky, May 2021, Assistant Professor (University of Southern California)
Cheng Yu Tong, May 2021, Postdoctoral Fellow (Harvard University)
Yang An, February 2020, Sunrise Futures (Chicago)
Zhechi Cheng, May 2020, Academic position (Wuhan University)
Ivan Danilenko, May 2020, Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor (UC Berkeley)
Laura Hayward, May 2020, Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Columbia University)
Donghan Kim, May 2020, Byrne Research Assistant Professor (University of Michigan Ann Arbor)
Oleksandr Kravets, May 2020, Postdoc Research Scientist, Rabadan Lab (Columbia University Medical Center)
Zhi Li, May 2020, Algorithm Developer (Hudson River Trading)
Carl Lian, May 2020, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Monica Marinescu, May 2020, Data Scientist (Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Boston)
Dmitrii Pirozhkov, May 2020, Postdoc, Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7)
Shuai Wang, Oct 2020,
Xuan Wu, May 2020, Dickson Instructor (University of Chicago)
Zhongyi (Alex) Zhang, May 2020, Finance Industry (Chicago)
Beomjun Choi, May 2019, Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Toronto)
Alexander Cowan, May 2019, Research Scientist (Harvard University)
Mitchell Faulk, May 2019, Assistant Professor (Vanderbilt University)
Elena Giorgi, May 2019, Postdoctoral Research Associate (Princeton University)
Pak-Hin Lee, October 2019, Research Fellow (University of Warwick)
Shizhang Li, May 2019, Donald J. Lewis Research Assistant Professor (University of Michigan)
Qixiao Ma, May 2019, Postdoc (Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)
Anton Osinenko, May 2019, AI research engineer (Intel)
Xiaowei Tan, October 2019, Associate (Morgan Stanley)
Wenhua Yu, May 2019, Senior Associate (Proprietary Trading Firm)
Noah Arbesfeld, May 2018, Postdoctoral Research Associate (Imperial College)
James Cornish, May 2018, Visiting Assistant Professor (Boston College, Massachusetts)
Daniel Gulotta, May 2018, Postdoctoral Research Assistant (University of Oxford)
Zhijie Huang, May 2018, Quantitative researcher (Five Rings Capital, New York)
Pei-Ken Hung, May 2018, Moore instructor (MIT, Massachusetts)
Feiqi Jiang, May 2018, Data Scientist (Lowe’s)
Qirui Li, May 2018, Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Toronto)
Sebastien Picard, May 2018, Benjamin Peirce Assistant Professor (Harvard University, Massachusetts)
Petr Pushkar, May 2018, Coxeter Postdoctoral Fellow (Joint position between Perimeter Institute and University of Toronto)
Remy van Dobben de Bruyn, May 2018, Veblen Research Instructor (Joint between the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University)
Saraswathi Venkatesh, May 2018, Postdoc (Institute for Advanced Study, New Jersey)
Minghan Yan, February 2018, Quantitative Finance Associate (Morgan Stanley)
Kyeongsu Choi, May 2017, CLE Moore Instructor (MIT)
Ashwin Deopurkar, May 2017, Postdoctoral Fellow (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)
Jordan Keller, May 2017, Postdoctoral Fellow, Black Hole Initiative (Harvard University)
Paul Lewis, May 2017, Quantitative Researcher (Radix Trading, Chicago)
Vladislav Petkov, May 2017, Visiting Instructor (University of California, San Diego)
Changjian Su, May 2017, Postdoc, IHES (France)
Chuen Ming Mike Wong, May 2017, Postdoctoral Researcher (Louisiana State University)
Zijun Zhou, May 2017, Postdoctoral Scholar (Stanford University)
Stephane Benoist, May 2016, Postdoc CLE Moore Instructor (MIT)
Cameron Bruggeman, Feb 2016, Data Scientist, Lyft (San Francisco)
Robert Castellano, May 2016, Data Scientist, JPMorgan Chase (New York)
Ioan Filip, May 2016, Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Columbia University Medical Center)
Karsten Gimre, May 2016, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow (Harvard University)
Joao Guerriero, October 2016, Postdoctoral Fellow (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)
Andrea Heyman, May 2016, Software Engineering Intern (HackNY )
Rahul Krishna, May 2016, Boas Assistant Professor (Northwestern)
Subrahmanya Krishnamoorthy, May 2016, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow (Freie Universität, Berlin)
Zheng Liu, May 2016, Postdoctoral Fellow (McGill University)
Vivek Pal, May 2016, Visiting Assistant Professor (University of Oregon)
Natasha Potashnik, May 2016, Data Scientist, Schireson Associates (New York)
Andrey Smirnov, May 2016, Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor (UC Berkeley)
Chongli Wang, May 2016, Radix trading, LLC (Chicago)
Yinghui Wang, May 2016, Instructor position (MIT)
Jingyu Zhao, May 2016, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Advanced Study)
Nava Balsam, May 2015, Analyst, Microsoft
Philip Engel, May 2015, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Timothy Heath, February 2015, Research Engineer, eBay Inc
Connor Mooney, May 2015, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, UT Austin
Andrei Negut, May 2015, Assistant Professor, MIT
Daniel Rubin, May 2015, HC Wang Assistant Professor, Cornell University
Zhuhai Wang, May 2015, Finance Industry Position, New York City
Zhengyu Zong, February 2015, Assistant Professor, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University
Corrin Clarkson, May 2014, Zorn Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Indiana University, Bloomington
Tristan Collins, May 2014, Benjamin Pierce Assistant Professor, Harvard University
Jonathan Hanselman, May 2014, RTG Instructor, University of Texas at Austin
Karol Koziol, May 2014, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Thomas Nyberg, May 2014, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Statistics Department, Columbia University
Xuanyu Pan, May 2014, William Chauvenet Postdoctoral Lecturer, Washington University
Anna Puskas, May 2014, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta
Krzysztof Putyra, May 2014, NCCR Postdoc, ETH-Institute for Theoretical Studies, Zurich
Alex Waldron, May 2014, Research Assistant Professor, Simons Center at Stony Brook
Ye-Kai Wang, May 2014, Postdoc, Michigan State University
Ian Whitehead, May 2014, Temporary Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
Jie Xia, May 2014, Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Hang Xue, May 2014, Postdoc, Institute for Advanced Study
Andre Carneiro, May 2013, Associate, McKinsey and Company, New Jersey.
Daniel Disegni, May 2013, Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill.
Alexander Ellis, May 2013, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Oregon.
Andrew Fanoe, May 2013, Visiting Assistant Professor, Morehouse College.
Luis Garcia Martinez, May 2013, Research Associate, Imperial College.
Kristen Hendricks, May 2013, E. R. Hedrick Assistant Professor, UCLA.
Zachary Maddock, May 2013, Adjunct Assistant Professor, UCLA.
You Qi, May 2013, Morrey Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley.
Yanhong Yang, May 2013, Researcher, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Germany.
Yu Wang, May 2013, Baos Assistant Professor, Northwestern.
Fan Zhou, May 2013, Zassenhaus Assistant Professor, Ohio State.
Adam Jacob, May 2012, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University.
Yifeng Liu, May 2012, C.L.E. Moore Instructor, MIT.
Irena Penev, May 2012, Upper School Math Teacher, Park Tudor School.
Ina Petkova, May 2012, G.C. Evans Instructor of Mathematics, Rice University.
Alice Rizzardo, May 2012, Postdoctoral Fellow, SISSA.
Harold Sultan, May 2012, Postdoctoral Lecturer in Mathematics, Brandeis University.
Zhengyu Xiang, May 2012, Adjunct Assistant Professor, UCLA.
Jonathan Bloom, May 2011, C.L.E. Moore Instructor / NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT.
Joelle Brichard, May 2011, Math Teacher, The Chapin School.
Benjamin Elias, May 2011, NSF Postdoctoral Fellow / Lecturer, MIT.
Allison Gilmore, May 2011, NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton.
Min Lee, May 2011, Simons Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Brown.
Alon Levy, May 2011, Postdoctoral Institute Fellow, Brown.
Qing Lu, May 2011, Postdoctoral Visiting Assistant Professor, Oklahoma.
Lindsay Piechnik, May 2011, Assistant Professor, High Point University.
Thibaut Pugin, October 2011, Associate, McKinsey & Company, Amsterdam.
Chenyan Wu, May 2011, Dunham Jackson Assistant Professor, Minnesota.
Rumen Zarev, May 2011, Simons Visiting Assistant Professor, Berkeley.
Mark Branson, May 2010, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
Evan Fink, May 2010, Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Georgia.
David Fournie, May 2010, Associate, Morgan Stanley.
Helena Kauppila, February 2010, Ritt Assistant Professor, Columbia.
Daniel Krasner, February 2010, Post Doctoral Fellowship, MSRI.
Adam Levine, May 2010, NSF Post Doctoral Fellow, Brandeis.
Chenxu Li, May 2010, Assistant Professor, Peking University.
Chen-Yun Lin, May 2010, Post Doctoral Fellow, Connecticut.
Thomas Peters, May 2010,Software Engineer, Broad Street Analytics
Mingmin Shen, May 2010, Simons Post Doctoral Fellow, Cambridge.
Dmitry Zakharov, May 2010, Simons Post Doctoral Fellow, Stony Brook.
Dvora Cohen, May 2009, National Security Agency
Matthew DeLand, May 2009, Simons Instructorship, SUNY, Stony Brook.
Irina Goia, May 2009, Senior Consultant, Ernst & Young
Zhi Li, May 2009, Financial Derivatives Consultant, Murex, NYC.
Sonja Mapes, May 2009, Assistant Research Professor, Duke.
Donovan McFeron, May 2009, Assistant Professor, Ramapo, NJ.
Ivana Medos, October 2009, Associate, Goldman Sachs.
Natalia Mosina, May 2009, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Brooklyn College.
Helge Pedersen, May 2009, Post Doc, MATCH, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Joseph Ross, May 2009, Post Doc, Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
Eric Simring, February 2009, Lecturer, Penn State.
Shaffiq Welji, February 2009, Educational Consultant, Aga Khan Academy Math Dept, Kenya.
Wei Zhang, May 2009, Post Doctoral Fellow, Harvard.
Yun Zhou, February 2009, Associate, Morgan Stanley.
John Baldwin, May 2008, Veblen Research Instructor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Alexander Faber, May 2008, Post Doc, McGill University
William Gillam, May 2008, NSF Post Doc, Assistant Professor, Brown.
Ioannis Gkigkitzis, February 2008, East Carolina University
Ming-Lun Hsieh, May 2008, Post Doc, McMaster University
Qi Li, May 2008, Graduate Trainee, Quantitative Risk Control, UBS AG Hong Kong
Yogishwar Maharaj, October 2008, Associate, Morgan Stanley
Borislav Mezhericher, May 2008, Quantitative Researcher, Citadel Investment Group, Chicago.
David Swinarski, May 2008, Post Doc Associate, Instructor, University of Georgia
Xinyi Yuan, May 2008, Clay Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard
Christian Zickert, May 2008, Morrey Assistant Professor, Berkeley.
Nels Hanson, May 2008, Strategist, ING Private Capital Management
Nikolaos Egglezos, February 2007, military service
Alexander Kontorovich, October 2007, NSF Post Doc, Assistant Professor, Brown
Jeffrey Said, May 2007, Goldman Sachs, Structured Credit
Tung To, October 2007, L.E. Dickson Instructor, University of Chicago
Chiung-Nan Tsai, May 2007, Vero Capital Management
Debbie Yuster, May 2007, Post Doc, DIMACS
Bei Zhang, October 2007, Post Doc, Institute for Advanced Study; Assistant Professor, Northwestern
Mikhail Alyurov, May 2006, Post Doc Instructor, Michigan State
Alp Atici, October 2006, Quantitative Researcher, Citadel Investment Group
Cristina Caputo, October 2006, MSRI Post Doc (fall), Instructor, University of Texas, Austin
Keiko Kawamuro, May 2006, Evans Instructorship, Rice
Peter Lamberson, May 2006, Post Doc, Center for the Study of Complex Systems, Michigan
Radu Laza, May 2006, Assistant Professor, Michigan
Philip Ording, May 2006, Assistant Professor, Marymount Manhattan College
Jeffry Phan, May 2006, Assistant Professor, Wisconsin, Whitewater
John Zuehlke, May 2006
Hans Freiermuth, October 2005, Post Doc, University of Zurich
Matthew Hedden, May 2005, Post Doc, MIT
Johan Martens, October 2005, Post Doc, University of Toronto
Adam McInroy, May 2005, Visiting Assistant Professor, Duke
Harriet Moser, February 2005
John Niccolai, May 2005, Associate, Credit Suisse First Boston
Yannan Qiu, May 2005, Membership position, Max-Planck Institute, Bonn
Morgan Sherman, May 2005, Lecturer, California State, Channel Island
Eric Wambach, May 2005, Instructor, Caltech
Charles Cadman, May 2004, VIGRE Post Doc, Michigan
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin, May 2004, Simons Instructorship, SUNY, Stony Brook
Marat Sadykov, May 2004, Associate, Credit Suisse First Boston
Sampsa Samila, February 2004, Associate Research Scientist, Columbia Business School
Jian Song, May 2004, J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins
Meera Thillainatesan, May 2004, Assistant Professor, UCLA
Benjamin Weinkove, May 2004, Benjamin Peirce Assistant Professor, Harvard
Bart Van Steirteghem, October 2004, Post Doc, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Alexei Akhmetshin, May 2003, Researcher, Inst of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Nathan Broaddus, May 2003, NSF Post Doc, Cornell
Abhijit Champanerkar, May 2003, Assistant Professor, Barnard
Hanjin Lee, May 2003, Post Doc Res Associate, POSTECH, South Korea
Kristen Nairn, May 2003, Assistant Professor, College of St. Benedict
Eugene Neduv, May 2003, Post Doc, Inst Pure and Applied Math, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Phi Long Nguyen Thanh, May 2003, Post Doc, McGill
Ye Tian, May 2003, Post Doc, Institute for Advanced Study
Iouri Volvovski, May 2003, Visiting Instructor, Fordham
Qiao Zhang, May 2003, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins
Tara Brendle, May 2002, Post Doc, Cornell
Adrian Clingher, May 2002, Post Doc, Institute for Advanced Study
Joseph Hundley, May 2002, Assistant Professor, Penn State
Omer Offen, May 2002, Post Doc, IHES
Nancy Wrinkle, May 2002, VIGRE Post Doc, Georgia
Hiu Xue, May 2002, Post Doc, Institute for Advanced Study