Category Archives: Langlands

A Few Items

A few items, all involving Peter Scholze in one way or another: A seminar in Bonn on Scholze’s geometrization of real local Langlands is finishing up next week. This is working out details of ideas that Scholze presented at the … Continue reading

Posted in abc Conjecture, Langlands | 14 Comments

Various and Sundry

The semester here is coming to a close. I’m way behind writing up notes for the lectures I’ve been giving, which are ending with covering the details of the Standard Model. This summer I’ll try to finish the notes and … Continue reading

Posted in Euclidean Twistor Unification, Langlands | 14 Comments

A New Approach to Modularity

I was assuming that Peter Scholze’s Emmy Noether lectures at the IAS would be the big news about advances in the Langlands program this coming week, but an anonymous correspondent just sent me this link. Tomorrow Andrew Wiles will be … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands | 4 Comments

Arithmetic, Geometry and QFT news

This week at Harvard’s CMSA there’s a program on Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory that is starting up and will continue through March. There’s a series of introductory talks going on this week, by Minhyong Kim, Brian Williams, and David Ben-Zvi. … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands | 10 Comments

Analytic Stacks

Dustin Clausen and Peter Scholze are giving a course together this fall on Analytic Stacks, with Clausen lecturing at the IHES, Scholze from Bonn. Here’s the syllabus: The purpose of this course is to propose new foundations for analytic geometry. … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands | 13 Comments

What Does Spec Z Look Like?

This week Laurent Fargues has started a series of lectures here at Columbia on Some new geometric structures in the Langlands program. Videos are available here, but unfortunately there is a problem with the camera in that room, making the … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands | 24 Comments

Relative Langlands Duality

For several years now, David Ben-Zvi, Yiannis Sakellaridis and Akshay Venkatesh have been working on a project involving a relative version of Langlands duality, which among many other things provides a perspective on L-functions and periods of automorphic forms inspired … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands | 4 Comments

The Work of Robert Langlands

This is more of an advertisement than a blog post. This evening on the arXiv James Arthur has posted a wonderful 204 page document explaining the work of Robert Langlands, written in conjunction with the award of the Abel Prize … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands | 1 Comment

All Langlands All the Time

I’m about to head to Paris on vacation, quite possibly there will be less blogging for the next couple of weeks. Here are a few Langlands-related items: The big Langlands-related event of the summer will be the July IHES Summer … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Notes on the Twistor P1

I’ve just finished writing up some notes on what the twistor $P^1$ is and the various ways it shows up in mathematics.  The notes are available here, and may or may not get expanded at some point.  The rest of … Continue reading

Posted in Euclidean Twistor Unification, Langlands | 8 Comments