Category Archives: Uncategorized

Physical Intuition vs. “Math”

A common theme in discussions online of the problems of fundamental theoretical physics is that the subject has gotten “lost in math”, losing touch with “physical intuition”. In such discussions, when people refer to “math” it’s hard to figure out … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 26 Comments

The Mystery of Spin

The following makes no claims to originality or any physical significance on its own. For a better explanation of some of the math and the physical significance of the use of quaternions here, see this lecture by John Baez. I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 20 Comments

Science Outreach News

A few items on the science outreach front: The Oscars of Science were held Saturday night in Hollywood, with a long list of A-listers in attendance, led by Kim Kardashian. More here, here and here. You’ll be able to watch … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized, Wormhole Publicity Stunts | 27 Comments

What is String Theory?

This semester the KITP has been running a program asking What is String Theory?, which is winding up next week, and was promising to “arrive at a deeper answer to the question in the title.” It seems though that this … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 25 Comments

How I fell out of love with academia

Sabine Hossenfelder today posted a new video on youtube which everyone in theoretical physics should watch and think seriously about. She tells honestly in detail the story of her career and experiences in academia, explaining very clearly exactly what the … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 35 Comments

David Tong: Lectures on the Standard Model

David Tong has produced a series of very high quality lectures on theoretical physics over the years, available at his website here. Recently a new set of lectures has appeared, on the topic of the Standard Model. Skimming through these, … Continue reading

Posted in Euclidean Twistor Unification, Uncategorized | 13 Comments

Abel Prize to Michel Talagrand

I was very pleased to hear yesterday that this year’s Abel Prize has been awarded to Michel Talagrand. For more about Talagrand and his mathematics, see the Abel site, Quanta, NYT, Nature and elsewhere. Also, see lots of reactions on … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 9 Comments

20 Years of Not Even Wrong

The first entry on this blog was 20 years ago yesterday, first substantive one was 20 years ago tomorrow (first one that drew attacks on me as an incompetent was two days later). Back when I started this up, blogging … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 73 Comments

Spring Course Notes

This spring I’ve been teaching a course aimed at math graduate students, starting with quantum mechanics and trying to get to an explanation of the Standard Model by the end of the semester. Course notes for the first half of … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 18 Comments

Three Items

Kind of like the last posting, but this time you get two worthwhile items to make up for one that’s not. Dan Garisto has a very good article here examining the present state of high energy experimental particle physics and … Continue reading

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