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Feb. 08: Jacob Lurie (Harvard)

Title: Tamagawa Numbers via Nonabelian Poincare Duality

Nov. 30: Aaron Lauda (USC)

Title: A new look at quantum knot invariants

Oct. 26: Sylvia Serfaty (Courant)

Title: Microscopic description of Coulomb-type systems

Inaugural Fall 2016 Eilenberg Lecture: Thursday, September 8th

The Eilenberg Lecture Series will continue Thursdays at 1:10pm in room 520 Math.

Mar 9: Laura DeMarco (Northwestern)

Title: Complex dynamics and elliptic curves

Feb 24: John Etnyre (Georgia Tech)

Title: Curvature and contact topology

Feb 17: Boris Khesin (Toronto)

Title: Fluids, vortex membranes, and skew-mean-curvature flows

Feb 10: Jean-Michel Bismut (Orsay)

Title: The hypoelliptic Laplacian

Nov. 18: Chang-Shou Lin (National Taiwan U.)

Title:  Finding real roots of Eisenstein series of weight one by Painlevé VI

Nov. 11: Vladimir Markovic (Caltech)

Title:  Harmonic maps and heat flows on hyperbolic spaces