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Special Colloquium (1/23, Alex Smith)

Special Colloquium

Speaker: Alex Smith (UCLA)
Title: The distribution of conjugates of an algebraic integer
Abstract: For every odd prime p, the number 2 + 2cos(2 pi/p) is an algebraic integer whose conjugates are all positive numbers; such a number is known as a totally positive algebraic integer. For large p, the average of the conjugates of this number is close to 2, which is small for a totally positive algebraic integer. The Schur-Siegel-Smyth trace problem, as posed by Borwein in 2002, is to show that no sequence of totally positive algebraic integers could best this bound. In this talk, we will resolve this problem in an unexpected way by constructing infinitely many totally positive algebraic integers whose conjugates have an average of at most 1.899. To do this, we will apply a new method for constructing algebraic integers to an example first considered by Serre. We also will explain how our method can be used to find simple abelian varieties with extreme point counts.

Date and Time: Thursday, January 23 @ 2:40PM
Location: 520 Mathematics

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