The Spring 2013 Ritt Lectures by Prof. Jonathan Pila will take place on April 29th and April 30th. Prof. Pila (University of Oxford) will deliver a two talk series titled:
“Functional transcendence and atypical intersections”
Abstract: I will explain the Zilber-Pink conjecture on “unlikely intersections.” This is a far-reaching generalisation of the Manin-Mumford, Mordell-Lang, and Andre-Oort conjectures. I will describe how some problems of this type may be approached with methods involving the model-theoretic notion of “o-minimality” and the crucial role played here and in the provenance of the conjecture by Schanuel’s conjecture on the transcendence properties of the exponential function and its analogues.
Monday, April 29, 2013 from 5:30pm-6:30pm, Room 207 Math
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 from 4:30pm-5:30pm, Room 520 Math