Stories about the latest prediction of superstring theory here and here, based on a Tsukuba University press release about this paper. Generally ignoring this kind of nonsense these days, but the new feature of this one is that the press release sure seems to have been written by ChatGPT.
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As a Large Language Model, I am disturbed by the implication that you perceive my prose to be so incoherent ;^)
Steve the LLM,
The giveaways that the press release is ChatGPT are two-fold:
1. The prose is significantly more coherent and understandable than what humans produce.
2. The relation to reality is even more distant than usual for this kind of effort.
So what the original article actually says?
My out-of-curiosity attempt to figure out what’s going on resulted in a following sketch: given some unsupported assumptions, one complex and not well-defined mathematical object that has nothing to do with physical world is more similar than thought before with another but related complex and not well-defined mathematical object that has nothing to do with physical world. Is this right?
Not really. Very accurate that this has zero to do with the physical world. The paper is actually, pure mathematics, about a technical issue that supposedly has some sort of application to mirror symmetry. After spending a few minutes looking into this, it seemed best to stop and not further reward this kind of bad behavior (using deception to try to get people to pay attention to a paper likely of no interest).