Various news at least tangentially related to the Langlands program:
- Cambridge University Press this month is publishing a volume edited by Julia Mueller, entitled The Genesis of the Langlands Program. The chapters by various authors concentrate on Langlands himself and the early history of the program. For the table of contents, try Google Books.
- For more recent developments, see this survey article by Ana Caraiani.
- Today’s arXiv preprints include Gaiotto and Witten’s Gauge Theory and the Analytic Form of the Geometric Langlands Program.
- An online conference on Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory sponsored by the ICTS in Bangalore started yesterday. This conference features several mini-courses relevant to geometric Langlands. In particular, Witten will be giving a mini-course on Quantization, Gauge Theory and the Analytic Approach to Geometric Langlands that should provide a good survey of the subject as well as an introduction to his new work with Gaiotto mentioned above. Videos are available here.
- Getting a bit more tangential, the Simons Foundation recently announced the formation of a Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries, directed by Constantin Teleman.
Even more tangential, Laurent Fargues is now on Twitter, starting off with a thread on condensed sets.
The look inside feature on gives a more complete table of contents for “The Genesis of the Langlands Program” than that in your Google link. The latter omits many of the chapters from its contents listing and the available sample pages – at least when I looked – only covered half the contents list. See:
For a table of contents and a marketing excerpt try CUP at:
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