**DISCLAIMER: This web page is set up as a courtesy for Columbia graduate students, postdocs, and undergrads who are seeking external opportunities not affiliated with the Department of Mathematics nor Columbia University. The Department and University do not take part in negotiations or disputes related to these opportunities.
The Department of Mathematics and Columbia University bear no responsibility for these opportunities, their sources/associated organizations, or outcome.**
Links are indicated by blue text.
Postings are promptly removed after their deadlines have passed.
Fellowship Opportunities
Simons Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025 – 12 p.m. (noon) EDT.
Eligibility Requirements: An applicant must be enrolled as full-time Ph.D. student in a Ph.D. granting mathematics department at an institution in the United States and must be in their third year of study of a five-year Ph.D. program. Applicants must apply in the third year of their Ph.D. program. There are no citizenship requirements.
How to submit: Simons Award Manager (SAM). Please refer to the How to Apply tab for instructions.
Funding Details:
The grant will commence September 1, 2025, for a two-year period, to coincide with the final fourth and fifth years of the Fellow’s Ph.D. program. The grant will provide $19,200 per year as follows:
$15,000 per year in general research support, to be used at the sole discretion of the Fellow, in such areas as:
- Fellow summer stipend;
- Domestic or international scientific travel to conferences and meetings that further the Fellow’s research and professional development, as well as visits to other institutions to pursue research. These funds cannot be used for the travel of others, whether collaborators or visitors.
- Research related expenses for the Fellow, such as computers, computer support, publication expenses, stationery, supplies, books and membership fees to professional organizations.
$1,000 per year to the Fellow’s department as discretionary funds, to be used at the sole discretion of the department chair, to enhance the research atmosphere of the department. Funds may be used for such expenses as:
- Support for departmental colloquia and seminars, as well as refreshments and other research-related amenities;
- Support for student orientations, prospective student visits and other departmental activities;
- Subsidizing meals for faculty, students and visitors;
- Furniture and research infrastructure, such as copiers, computers and software.
An additional 20 percent for indirect costs ($3,200 per year), per the foundation’s indirect cost policy.
Grantees will be awarded a total of $38,400 USD.
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AMS New England Graduate Student Conference 2025
What: This is an annual conference for graduate students in the New England area to share their mathematics. The conference is funded by AMS and Brown University. Any area of math is welcome, there will be 45 minute talks and 10 minute lightning talks, the talks can be expository or research based.
When: April 19th, 2025
Where: Brown University (Providence Rhode Island)
Registration: https://forms.
Current Developments in Mathematics 2025
When: April 4, 2025 – April 5, 2025
Where: Harvard University, Science Center Hall D, 1 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States
Speaker: Michael Chapman – NYU | Pazit Haim-Kislev – Institute for Advanced Study | Jianfeng Lin – Tsinghua University | Laura Monk – University of Bristol | Ramon van Handel – Princeton University
Registration: In-person registration form here
Funding: Limited funding to help defray travel expenses is available for graduate students and recent PhDs. If you are a graduate student or postdoc and would like to apply for support, please register and send a letter to cdm@math.harvard.edu. A letter indicating your name, address, current status, university affiliation, citizenship, and area of study. F1 visa holders are eligible to apply for support.
If you are a graduate student, please send a brief letter of recommendation from a faculty member to explain the relevance of the conference to your studies or research.
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Job Opportunities
Canada/USA Mathcamp ‣ Leaders for talented high school students
Application Deadline: February 12th, 2025
Compensation: $6,325 plus room, board, travel, and other work-related expenses
Online application + details: https://www.mathcamp.org/
Questions? Come to our live Q&A session on Jan 5 or Feb 2, read on for details, and don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. (Register here for Jan 5 and here for Feb 2.)
Canada/USA Mathcamp is looking for math graduate students as leaders for its summer 2025 session. Canada/USA Mathcamp (www.mathcamp.org) is a summer program for talented high school students from all over the United States, Canada, and the rest of the world. At Mathcamp, students interact with world-class mathematicians, explore advanced topics in mathematics, and find a true intellectual peer group.
When: June 24 to August 8, 2025
Where: Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR
Questions? Come to our live Q&A session on Jan 5 or Feb 2, read on for details, and don’t hesitate to reach out with questions by email. (Register here for Jan 5 and here for Feb 2.)
This summer, we invite you to:
Be a leader in a vibrant community of talented and enthusiastic high-school students and energetic faculty.
Teach and learn what most interests you, in an atmosphere of freedom and excitement.
Be a friend and mentor to 120 marvelous kids.
Be an architect of an experience that those 120 kids will cherish for years.
Job Description:
- The mentor job is a hybrid between a teaching position and a camp counselor role. Your primary responsibilities are academic (teaching, advising projects, talking to students informally about math), but you also contribute to making the program an intense and immersive experience for the campers. It will be an intense and immersive experience for you as well: a lot of work, but also extremely rewarding.
- As a mentor at Mathcamp, you get an amazing teaching experience: there is no set curriculum, so you create your own classes and teach the math you’re interested in. From group theory to projective geometry, from complex analysis to cryptography, from fractals to voting theory—there is an abundance of mathematics that can be taught (with a little imagination) at camp level. You’ll have support (in both curriculum design and pedagogy) from master teachers, and you’ll work with students who are exceptionally smart and engaged.
- Mentors are also the camp’s primary leaders and organizers. They cultivate the rich life of the camp by planning activities, setting camp policy, and serving as residential advisors for the students. Initiative, flexibility, and tolerance for a certain degree of chaos are a must—that is part of what makes Mathcamp an exciting place to work!
- Strong candidates for this role are typically PhD students in pure or applied mathematics. Those in the summer between a Master’s and PhD program are also eligible to apply, as are graduate students in closely-related fields. Those not in graduate school, but with a similar background in advanced mathematics and teaching, are welcome to contact us about applying. Since women and minority students often face a shortage of role models in mathematics, we are especially eager to recruit mentors from these groups
Thinking Caps Group ‣ Tutor
Deadline: N/A
Compensation: $27-$50/hr. depending on education level.
Application Process: Learn More Here; Applicants should send resumes to tutors@thinkingcapsgroup.com. We ask that candidates include a little information about themselves and why they’re interested in tutoring.
Contact for questions: William Scarlett (Academic Liaison) <wscarlett@thinkingcapsgroup.
Job Description:
Thinking Caps is a boutique tutoring company that provides the following services to NYC-area students:
Study and executive functioning skills instruction
Individualized subject tutoring (including English, math, foreign languages, and science)
Test prep support (ISEE, SSAT, SAT, ACT, SHSAT, SAT subject tests, etc.)
We’re currently seeking to hire qualified instructors who can help students study smarter, not harder. The work is done at the students’ homes or schools. Please note that we request that all applicants are prepared to take on at least three students for the duration of an academic year. Compensation is $27-$50/hr. depending on education level. Finally, we ask that all applicants have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, but can work with exceptions if provided with requisite explanation.
The TCG Process
At Thinking Caps we pay special attention to tutor interests and teaching style to make sure we match instructors with students they’ll really “click” with. We work primarily with middle and high school students, some of whom have learning differences such as ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.
While working for Thinking Caps tutors can expect:
Advanced training to help develop students’ study/executive functioning skills
Opportunities to teach material from their particular field(s) of study
Access to our comprehensive Resource Library to help you prepare for lessons
Flexible hours and travel compensation when applicable
Academic support from our team of Academic Directors and Liaisons
The work is done at the students’ homes or schools. Please note that we request that all applicants are prepared to take on at least three students for the duration of an academic year.
Applicants should send resumes to tutors@thinkingcapsgroup.com. We ask that candidates include a little information about themselves and why they’re interested in tutoring.
NYC Math-M-Addicts ‣ Assistant Teachers for Saturday math enrichment program
Additional information: Program link | Teacher list
Deadline: N/A
Application Process: 1) Submit a resume and cover letter to careers@mathmaddicts.org. Include in your cover letter information about your math background which you feel will help us determine the student group level best matched to your experience. 2) (Optional) Visit the program 3) Present solutions to two problems from a former entrance exam to a couple of MMA teachers.
Contact for Questions: Ruvim Breydo <ruvim@mathmaddicts.org>
Job Description:
A Head Teacher and one or more Assistant Teachers work together to instruct students in grades 5-12 using the teaching methods and curriculum developed by MMA’s founders. The program aims to provide insight into advanced-level math. After one or more semesters in an Assistant Teacher role, candidates may be invited to become a Head Teacher.
Assistant Teacher Responsibilities:
Assist the Head Teacher in leading classes
Help maintain student engagement by assisting in discussions
Give Head Teacher feedback on which students may need extra help
Work with students individually and in small groups
Assume Head Teacher responsibilities in his/her absence
Meet with MMA founders to review course materials
Assistant Teacher Qualifications:
A degree in math, science, or engineering
Fluency in areas such as combinatorics, number theory, the pigeon-hole principle, graphs, mathematical induction, geometry, and game theory
Experience with a math circle or math team is a plus
Experience teaching in a collaborative environment is a plus
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Mentorship Opportunities