Cosmic Variance

Sean Carroll, of Preposterous Universe, has joined forces with Mark Trodden (of Orange Quark), and new bloggers SLAC particle phenomenologist JoAnne Hewett, USC string/brane theorist Clifford Johnson, and Chicago cosmologist Risa Wechsler. They’ll be collaborating on a new weblog entitled Cosmic Variance, and I’m looking forward to following what they do with it.

This may be part of a new trend of consolidation in the physics weblogging industry, following the lead of the String Coffee Table and the massive, multi-national, government-subsidized Quantum Diaries site. Will small, independent, artisanal producers like myself be able to compete with huge combines like Cosmic Variance, with their professional software and expensive ($6.95/month!) web-hosting services? Or will we be driven out of business as our profit margins are squeezed to the vanishing point? Wait a minute, I’m not making a profit at this anyway…

Actually, today I’m in Austin, Texas on personal business. I suppose I should be looking up Jacques to see if he, Lubos and I can organize an even bigger competing organization.

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6 Responses to Cosmic Variance

  1. D R Lunsford says:

    If Peter and Lubos combined efforts, it would be called “Not even close”.


  2. Bob McNees says:

    “Saying things like this to impressionable graduate students is really educational malpractice.”

    Yes. You should totally start a blog with Jacques.

  3. Arun says:

    As long as you don’t compromise your independence…

  4. Matthew says:

    I’ll second the Peter/Jacques/Lubos blog idea. Reading that would take entirely too much of my time 🙂

  5. Sean says:

    Peter, you should definitely team up with Jacques and Lubos. I would certainly read that blog.

  6. Levi says:

    You are forgetting the economies of scale in their operation. $6.95/5 = $1.39. You don’t stand a chance.

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