New York Events

I’m afraid that most of you have already missed one event here in New York involving someone who blogs about high energy physics. This was Tommaso Dorigo’s visit this Sunday to New York for a few hours. Luckily for you, he blogs about it, with pictures, here. I’m quite pleased to have finally gotten a chance to meet him in person. My mother feels the same way.

There is something else though here in New York, next Monday, that you still haven’t missed. I’ll be talking and answering questions at an event organized by the Center for Inquiry, which will take place at the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture in Park Slope. More information about the event is available here.

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4 Responses to New York Events

  1. The pleasure was mine, Peter! And your mother is a charming lady, sends her my regards.


  2. Chris Oakley says:


    The company you choose to keep is entirely your own decision, but you should be careful of being associated with Professor Dorigo as no less an authority than Dr. Motl (formerly of Harvard University) has exposed him as an amateur and a fraudster.

  3. Are there any plans on making the video of the second event available online?

  4. Peter Woit says:

    Not that I know of…

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