Things to Follow This Week

If you want to keep up on the latest in HEP news, here’s what you should be following this week:

  • Neutrino Telescopes is happening in Venice this year, and I noticed that there’s a very active blog for the conference, with a wealth of detailed postings about the talks. At first I was very impressed that such a large group of well-informed and energetic bloggers had been organized to cover this, then realized that it’s actually just the indefatigable Tommaso Dorigo at work. He’s doing a great job covering what is going on at the conference, and if as is looking all too possible, the LHC finds no new physics besides the Higgs, neutrino experiments may be where attention focuses in the future as the best hope for this.
  • In Aspen this week there’s a conference called Higgs Quo Vadis, on the current state of knowledge about the Higgs. Look for talks on Friday by Lisa Randall, Nima Arkani-Hamed and Nati Seiberg about what it all means.
  • A second workshop at Moriond is going on this week. Will CMS finally release its gamma-gamma results there?
  • If not at Moriond or Aspen, maybe at that LHCC meeting tomorrow?
  • To keep up with the state of the LHC machine itself and plans for the future, the LHC Machine Advisory Committee is meeting later this week.

Update: One more. The HEPAP committee met this week, slides here.

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6 Responses to Things to Follow This Week

  1. n says:

    the link for “Higgs Quo vadis” does not work…

  2. Svennor says:

    Hi Peter,

    There’s also a nice paper on N=4 SYM scattering amplitudes @ finite couplings (all multiplicity/all loop) which seems like a big deal . I guess that’s worth mentioning 🙂


  3. Len says:

    The other thing to watch this week was Kibble’s 80 birthday celebration.

    Event was attended by Weinberg, Lars Brink (head of Nobel Committee), Guralnik, Close, and others.

    Pretty blatant Nobel campaigning by Imperial College to get Kibble on the ticket and using his somewhat minor 1967 paper as justification to be include over rest of his GHK team.

    Told the head table for dinner included Weinberg, Lars Brink, and Kibble with Frank Close giving after dinner talk to promote this 1967 paper. Weinberg also made some interesting comments in his talk about Israel.

    Wasn’t sure the Nobel Committee went to campaigns like this but I guess that is the world we now live in. IC pushing hard to ensure the Americans (and CERN) gets overlooked in October.

  4. Peter Woit says:


    Thanks. Interesting that Weinberg is attending an Imperial College event. Back in 2007 he publicly withdrew from one honoring Salam to protest what he saw as British anti-Semitism.

  5. Len says:


    I did not remember that 2007 event well but here is an article in the Guardian on that issue. Of course made a bit more interesting given Weinberg is an atheist.

    Lars Brink was also at a private dinner with Kibble and Weinberg Tuesday evening. No word on what type of dish was served to Lars.

    I have heard of physicists being invited to Stockholm for lectures to indicate they are likely candidates but not where the Nobel chair visits the candidate’s campaign. I think Salam gave a lecture in Stockholm before his ’79 Nobel and Higgs was there in October of 2010.

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