Slides from Davis Conference

Slides used by many of the lecturers at the recent Davis mathematical physics conference in honor of Albert Schwarz are now online.

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6 Responses to Slides from Davis Conference

  1. Peter says:

    I’m just getting this from Lawson-Michelson, Spin Geometry, Theorem 8.4, Chapter I, where they also get the cover correct.

  2. D R Lunsford says:

    Hmm I thought the double (actually 4-fold) cover for SO(p,q) was Spin(p,q)…how did you pull out SL(4,R)?

    The Clifford algebra Cl(3,3) does have a “Weyl”-like representation

    Bmu = [[ 0, gamma_mu ],[ gamma_mu, 0 ]]

    B5 = [[ 0, -gamma_5 ],[ -gamma_5, 0 ]]

    B6 = [[ 0, i ],[ -i, 0 ]]

    and since the gammas have a purely imaginary (Majorana) representation (for spacetime = —+) I can see SL4R coming in…

  3. Peter says:

    I don’t really know anything about SO(3,3). It’s not the conformal symmetry group of Minkowski space. Its spin double cover is not SU(2,2), but SL(4,R). The tricks Witten is talking about that get representations of SU(2,2) by “quantizing” C^4 and using the action of SU(2,2) on C^4 won’t work for SO(3,3).

  4. D R Lunsford says:

    How does the whole argument change if we start with SO(3,3)?

  5. Peter says:

    He never really got to talking strings. In the last part of his talk he was just explaining his formula for gauge theory scattering amplitudes as integrals over 2d-subspaces D (actually algebraic curves of genus zero) in CP^3. You can try and interpret these curves as world-sheets of strings, but he didn’t get into that in this talk.

  6. D R Lunsford says:

    3/4s of Witten’s talk was fun (I think it’s just a rehash of Penrose) but he lost me when he started talking strings. What was his point?

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