Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Spring 2014

The Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Fridays at 2 pm (please note the new time) in 203 Mathematics Hall on the Columbia campus. All are welcome. Tea is served at 3 pm in 508 Mathematics Hall.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

January 31 Chris Brav IAS A Darboux theorem for symplectic derived stacks
February 7 Anatoly Preygel Berkeley Derived Grothendieck existence and existence of Hom stacks
February 14 Kieran O'Grady Sapienza Modified diagonals of projective varieties
February 21 Yuri Tschinkel NYU Universal spaces for birational invariants
February 28 Alina Marian Northeastern The Chern classes of the Verlinde bundles
March 7 Special algebraic geometry triple-header in 520 Mathematics Hall:
2 pm June Huh Michigan Rota's conjecture and positivity of algebraic cycles in toric varieties
3:30 pm Johannes Nicaise Leuven The essential skeleton of a degeneration of algebraic varieties
5 pm Brendan Hassett Rice Mori cones for holomorphic symplectic manifolds
March 14 Jie Xia Columbia Definition of Shimura curves in positive characteristics
March 21 No seminar Spring break
March 28 Zinovy Reichstein UBC Versal torsors with a twist
April 4 János Kollár Princeton Maps between local Picard groups
April 11 Bumsig Kim KIAS Quasimap theory
April 18 Angelo Vistoli Scuola Normale Infinite root stacks of logarithmic schemes
April 25 No seminar AGNES
May 2 Paul Hacking U. Mass. Amherst Mirror symmetry and cluster algebras

Schedules from the past: F '97 - F '00, S '01, F '01, S '02, F '02, S '03, F '03, S '04, F '04, S '05, F '05, S '06, F '06, S '07, F '07, S '08, F '08, S '09, F '09, S '10, F '10, S '11, F '11, S '12, F '12, S '13, F '13

This page is maintained by Michael Thaddeus and is ultimately due to Pasha Belorousski.