
Linear Algebra
Fall 2017

Section 003
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:40am - 9:55am
405 Milbank Hall (Barnard)

Section 004
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:10am - 11:25am
405 Milbank Hall (Barnard)

Dave Bayer
Office Hours
426 Mathematics

Directory of Classes | Mathematics
Student Services Online

Exam Schedule

Including our final, there will be a total of three exams. Course grades will be determined by these exams, and graded homework:

Makeup exams will only be given under exceptional circumstances, and require a note from a doctor or a dean.

Final Exam Schedules
Religious Holidays
Barnard Final Exams
Columbia Disability Form

Cheating Policy

Email (use your uni)

I receive emails at both and

For official correspondence concerning this course, please include your uni. The easiest way to do this is to send emails from your email address based on your uni.

Homework, and Preparation for Exams

These study guides describe the chapters of Bretscher to study for our exams, topics to learn, a list of homework exercises to be graded, and many practice exam problems from past years.

Course Materials

This page hosts PDF files from this semester and previous semesters.


Linear Algebra with Applications, 5/E, by Otto Bretscher. Pearson, 2012. ISBN-10: 0321796977, ISBN-13: 9780321796974. $208 suggested retail price. Columbia University Bookstore, Amazon ($188), or Addall ($34 and up).

One may instead use the previous edition; homework will be selected from problems common to both the fourth and fifth editions.

Linear Algebra with Applications, 4/E, by Otto Bretscher. Pearson, 2009. ISBN-10: 0136009263, ISBN-13: 9780136009269. $170 suggested retail price. Amazon ($58), or Addall ($14 and up).


October 10, 2017 is the last day to drop a class, for Barnard, Columbia College, General Studies, SIPA, GSAS, and Professional Studies. Check with your school’s academic calendar to confirm the dates that apply to you.

University Academic Calendar
Barnard Academic Calendar

This calendar gives our schedule of classes and exams:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4 Sep 5 6 7 8
11 Sep 12 13 14 15
18 Sep 19 20 21 22
25 Sep 26 27 28 29
2 Oct 3   Exam 1    4 5 6
9 Oct 10 11 12 13
16 Oct 17 18 19 20
23 Oct 24 25 26 27
30 Oct 31 1 Nov 2 3
6 Nov 7 8 9   Exam 2    10
13 Nov 14 15 16 17
20 Nov 21 22 23 24
27 Nov 28 29 30 1 Dec
4 Dec 5 6 7 8
11 Dec 12 13 14 15
18 Dec 19   Final    20 21   Final    22

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