Columbia University Mathematics Colloquium

Spring 2007

Columbia Mathematics Department Colloquium meets in Math 520 every three weeks on Wednesday afternoons at 5:00, and is preceded by tea at 4:30. Colloquia are of general mathematical interest and aimed at both faculty and graduate students. Please click on the title for the abstract.

Jan. 31

Mark Kisin (Chicago)

The Fontaine-Mazur conjecture and modular forms

Feb. 7

Ju-Lee Kim (UIC)

Smooth representations of p-adic groups

 Feb. 28
David Ben-Zvi (UT at Austin)
Langlands duality, loop spaces and representations of real groups

Mar. 7

Dipendra Prasad (TIFR & IAS)

Period integrals, central critical L-values, and their local analogue

Mar. 21

Atsushi Ichino (Osaka)

Periods of automorphic forms and special values of L-functions

Apr. 4

Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT)


Apr.  25
Carlos Simpson (Nice)
 On computer theorem-proving

co-Organizers: Mikhail Khovanov and Eric Urban

  Fall 2004 schedule, Spring 2005schedule, Fall 2005schedule, Spring 2006schedul, Fall 2006 schedule