MATH V3951:
 Undergraduate Seminars I
 Fall 2009

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Dave Bayer (x42643, 426 Mathematics,
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Finite Fields
Thibaut Pugin

This semester's seminar topic is Finite Fields. There are two sections, each meeting once a week:

Please come to your assigned section, except by special arrangement. Please contact me if you are joining the course late or missed our organizational meeting, and need to be assigned to a section.

For further information, please consult Thibaut's web page.

Organizational Meeting
Thursday, September 10th, 2009
7:30 pm to 8:45 pm
508 Mathematics

We held an organizational meeting on Thursday, September 10th, from 7:30 pm to 8:45 pm, in 508 Mathematics. At this organizational meeting, we and meeting times for the seminars.