Informal Complex Geometry and PDE Seminar

Academic Year 2024-2025

Organizers: D.H. Phong, C. Wang, S. Liang, N. Klemyatin

The seminar meets on Thursdays from 2:40pm to 3:50pm in 520 Mathematics. If you would like to join via Zoom, please email wangchuwen at

Spring Schedule

January 30

Organizational meeting

Fall Schedule

September 5

Organizational meeting

September 12

Gabor Szekelyhidi  -Singular Kahler-Einstein metrics and RCD spaces (Abstract)

September 19

Teng Fei  -Degeneration of Calabi-Yau 3-folds and 3-forms (Abstract)

September 26

Sebastien Picard  -An overview of the Hull-Strominger system (Abstract)

October 3

Valentino Tosatti  -Immortal solutions of the Kahler-Ricci flow (Abstract)

October 10

Jingrui Cheng  -Viscosity solutions to complex Hessian equations on Hermitian manifolds (Abstract)

October 17

Jianchun Chu  -On Kahler manifolds with non-negative mixed curvature (Abstract)

October 24

Frederic Rochon  -Warped quasi-asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau metrics (Abstract)

October 31

No Seminar

November 7

Chi Li  -Kahler compactification of C^n and Reeb dynamics (Abstract)

November 14

Xin Fu  -Variation of Kahler-Einstein metrics (Abstract)

November 21

Nicholas McCleerey  -The Eigenvalue Problem for the Complex Hessian Operator on m-Pseudoconvex Manifolds (Abstract)

November 28


December 5

Nikita Klemyatin  -Convergence of the inverse Monge-Ampere flow and Nadel multiplier ideal sheaves (Abstract)

Old links: Schedule for 2023-2024