Evgeni S Dimitrov

Joseph F. Ritt Assistant Professor

Columbia University Mathematics Department

About Me

I am a Ritt Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at Columbia University . I am interested in the asymptotic analysis of stochastic integrable systems via hybrid methods that lie on the interface of representation theory, analysis and combinatorics. Prior to coming to Columbia I was a PhD student at MIT under the advisement of Alexei Borodin. Before MIT I was an undergraduate at Princeton University. Here is a copy of my CV.


  1. "Multi-level loop equations for β-corners processes" , E. Dimitrov and A. Knizel. Preprint arXiv:2108.07710
  2. "Tightness of (H,H^{RW})-Gibbsian line ensembles" , E. Dimitrov and X. Wu (submitted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2108.07484
  3. "Maximal free energy of the log-gamma polymer" , G. Barraquand, I. Corwin and E. Dimitrov (submitted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2105.05283
  4. "Large deviations for discrete β-ensembles" , S. Das and E. Dimitrov (submitted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2103.15227
  5. "Characterization of H-Brownian Gibbsian line ensembles" , E. Dimitrov (submitted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2103.01186
  6. "Spatial tightness at the edge of Gibbsian line ensembles" , G. Barraquand, I. Corwin and E. Dimitrov (submitted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2101.03045
  7. "Fluctuations of the log-gamma polymer free energy with general parameters and slopes" , G. Barraquand, I. Corwin and E. Dimitrov, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (accepted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2012.12316
  8. "Tightness of Bernoulli Gibbsian line ensembles" , E. Dimitrov, X. Fang, L. Fesser, C. Serio, C. Teitler, A. Wang and W. Zhu (submitted 2020). Preprint arXiv:2011.04478
  9. "Two-point convergence of the stochastic six-vertex model to the Airy process" , E. Dimitrov (submitted 2020). Preprint arXiv:2006.15934
  10. "GUE corners process in boundary-weighed six-vertex models" , E. Dimitrov and M. Rychnovsky, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist. (accepted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2005.06836
  11. "Characterization of Brownian Gibbsian line ensembles" , E. Dimitrov and K. Matetski, Ann. Probab. (accepted 2021). Preprint arXiv:2002.00684
  12. "Asymptotics of discrete β-corners processes via two-level discrete loop equations" , E. Dimitrov and A. Knizel (submitted 2019). Preprint arXiv: 1905.02338
  13. "KMT coupling for random walk bridges" , E. Dimitrov and X. Wu, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 179: 649-732, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00440-021-01030-y
  14. "Log-gases on a quadratic lattice via discrete loop equations and q-boxed plane partitions" , E. Dimitrov and A. Knizel, J. Funct. Anal., 276 (10): 3067-3169, 2019. Preprint arXiv:1710.01709
  15. "Transversal fluctuations of the ASEP, stochastic six vertex model, and Hall-Littlewood Gibbsian line ensembles" , E. Dimitrov and I. Corwin, Comm. Math. Phys. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-018-3139-3
  16. "Six-vertex models and the GUE-corners process" , E. Dimitrov, Inter. Math. Res. Not., 2018. https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rny072
  17. "KPZ and Airy limits of Hall-Littlewood random plane partitions" , E. Dimitrov, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist., 54:640-693, 2017. Preprint arXiv:1602.00727
  18. "Interacting particle systems at the edge of multilevel Jack processes" , E. Dimitrov and P. Lolas, 2016. Preprint arXiv:1612.03484
  19. "On a problem in diophantine approximation" , undergraduate senior thesis, advised by Yakov Sinai. The main result can be found at arXiv:1305.1200


  1. UN2030: Ordinary differential equations -- Fall 2021
  2. UN1102: Calculus II -- Spring 2021
  3. GR6151: Analysis and Probability I -- Fall 2020
  4. GU4062: Introduction to modern analysis II -- Spring 2020
  5. GU4061: Introduction to modern analysis I -- Fall 2019
  6. UN2030: Ordinary differential equations -- Spring 2019
  7. UN1102: Calculus II -- Fall 2018


  1. Cornell Probability Seminar, December 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  2. UC Berkeley Probability Seminar (virtual), December 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  3. CMU Probability/ Math Finance Seminar (virtual), November 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  4. UCLA Probability Seminar (virtual), November 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  5. Georgia Tech Stochastics Seminar (virtual), November 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  6. UC San Diego Probability Seminar (virtual), November 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  7. A&M Texas Probability Seminar (virtual), November 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  8. UC Davis Mathematical Physics and Probability Seminar, October 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  9. Conference "Integrable structures in random matrix theory and beyond"
    MSRI, Berkeley, CA, October 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  10. UIC Probability and Combinatorics Seminar, October 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  11. CU Boulder Probability Seminar (virtual), October 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  12. University of Chicago Probability Seminar, October 2021
    "Gibbsian line ensembles and β-corners processes"
  13. Program "Integrability and Combinatorics at Finite Temperature",
    MATRIX Institute, Australia (virtual), June 2021
    "Characterization of Gibbsian line ensembles"
  14. Conference "Columbia-Princeton Probability Day" (virtual), May 2021
    "Characterization of Gibbsian line ensembles"
  15. Mathematical Physics and Probability Reading Seminar,
    University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom (virtual), April 2021
    "Towards universality for Gibbsian line ensembles"
  16. Probability and the City Seminar,
    Columbia University and University of New York (virtual), April 2021
    "Towards universality for Gibbsian line ensembles"
  17. Columbia Integrable Probability Seminar (virtual), April 2021
    "Towards universality for Gibbsian line ensembles"
  18. Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium (virtual), August 2020
    "Characterization of Brownian Gibbsian line ensembles"
  19. CMI-HIMR Integrable Probability Online Summer School (virtual), July 2020
    "Two-point convergence of the stochastic six-vertex model to the Airy process"
  20. AMS Special Session on the Gaussian Free Field and Random Geometry,
    Northeastern University, Boston, MA, April 2018
    "Log-gases on a quadratic lattice via discrete loop equations and q-boxed plane partitions"
  21. Conference "Non-equilibrium systems and special functions",
    Creswick, Victoria, Australlia, January 2018
    "The ASEP and Hall-Littlewood Gibbsian line ensembles"
  22. Conference "Qualitative Methods in KPZ Universality",
    Luminy, France, April 2017
    "The ASEP and Hall-Littlewood Gibbsian line ensembles"
  23. MIT Probability Seminar, December 2016
    "GUE corners process in the six-vertex model"
  24. NYC Integrable Probability Working Group, October 2016
    "GUE corners process in the six-vertex model"
  25. Program "New Approaches to Non-equilibrium and Random Systems: KPZ Integrability, Universality, Applications and Experiments",
    KITP, Santa Barbara, CA, February 2016
    "KPZ and Airy limits of Hall-Littlewood random plane partitions"
  26. MIT Integrable Probability Seminar, November 2015
    "Asymptotic results for a Hall-Littlewood process on plane partitions"
  27. Princeton Seminar in Ergodic Theory and Statistical Mechanics, November 2012
    "On Littlewood's conjecture in diophantine approximation"
  28. Princeton Mathematics Undergraduate Colloquium, November 2012
    "On the connections between continued fractions and badly approximable numbers"
  29. AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meeting (poster), Boston, MA, January 2012
    "Sparsity, fuzziness, and synergy: methods for cyber crime"
    (jointly with Kizza Nandyose and David Wen)