Columbia-Princeton Probability Day 2023

Columbia-Princeton Probability Day 2023

Friday, April 28, 2023     •     Columbia University


All events are at Columbia University. Talks will be in Room 312 in Mathematics Hall.

Breakfast, lunch, and tea will be provided, in Room 508 (the mathematics lounge) in Mathematics Hall.


Registration (which is free) can be done at this link. It is not required for attendance, but highly encouraged as it will help us arrange for food.

  • Louis-Pierre Arguin (CUNY)
  • Milind Hegde (Columbia)
  • Donghan Kim (Michigan)
  • Jinyoung Park (NYU)
  • Jacob Shapiro (Princeton)
  • Philippe Sosoe (Cornell)

9:00–10:10 Breakfast
10:00–10:50 Louis-Pierre Arguin Large Values of the Riemann Zeta Function: A Probabilistic Journey
10:55–11:35 Jacob Shapiro Dynamical Localization for Random Band Matrices up to W ≪ N 1/4
11:40–12:20 Donghan Kim Mimicking fractional Brownian motion: a Schauder representation approach
12:20–1:20 Lunch
1:20–2:10 Jinyoung Park p-smallness of increasing families
2:20–3:00 Milind Hegde Upper tail behavior of the KPZ equation and the directed landscape via the tangent method
3:00–3:30 Tea
3:30–4:20 Philippe Sosoe Tail estimates for KPZ models

    For further information, please contact the organizers, Milind Hegde or Ivan Corwin.