Michael Zhao Memorial Student Colloquium
The Michael Zhao Memorial Student Colloquium holds 45-minute talks by Columbia mathematics faculty about their own research. The talks are intended for current PhD students in mathematics at Columbia. If you are an undergraduate student or external graduate student and would like to come, please email eh3132@columbia.edu or rg3641@columbia.edu.

When: Wednesday 6:00 - 6:45 PM ET
Where: Mathematics Building, Room 507
Organizers: Ethan Hall, Raphael Grondin
Date Speaker Title and Abstract
January 28 Sven Hirsch
Abstract: The resolution of Geroch's conjecture states that the torus does not admit a metric positive scalar curvature and Bonnet-Myers' theorem implies that M x S^1 does not admit a metric of positive Ricci curvature. In this talk I'll show that M x T^m does not admit a metric of positive m-intermediate curvature. This is based upon joint work with Simon Brendle and Florian Johne.
February 5 N/A
February 12 Ioannis Karatzas
Abstract: In the spirit of the celebrated Komlos theorem, we develop versions of the Weak and of the Hsu-Robbins-Erdos Laws of Large Numbers which are valid along appropriate (“lacunary”) subsequences of arbitrary sequences of random variables with bounded moments; as well as along all further (“hereditary”) subsequences of said subsequences. We review also the strong connections of this subject with lacunary trigonometric series. Joint work with Istvan Berkes, Budapest and Walter Schachermayer, Vienna.
February 19
February 26 Simon Brendle
March 5 Amol Aggarwal
March 12
March 26 Marco Castronovo
April 2 Amadou Bah
April 9 Gyujin Oh
April 16
April 23 Daniela de Silva
April 30