Columbia University Mathematics Colloquium

Fall 2011

The Columbia Mathematics Department Colloquium meets in Math 520 approximately every three weeks on Wednesday afternoons at 5:00, and is preceded by tea at 4:30. Colloquia are of general mathematical interest and aimed at both faculty and graduate students.

Please click on the title for the abstract of the talk.

Sept. 28th
Claudio Procesi (Rome)
Splines, partition functions,  index and infinitesimal
Oct. 5th
Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton)
On the rigidity of black holes
Oct. 12th
Hsian-Hua Tseng (Ohio State University)
On the geometry of étale gerbes
Nov. 2nd
Gunther Uhlmann (U. Washington)
Cloaking and Transformation Optics
Nov. 9th
Nigel Hitchin (Oxford)
Holomorphic Poisson manifolds and their deformations
Dec. 7th
Mohammed Abouzaid (MIT)
The symplectic topology of Stein manifolds
Dec. 14th
Jeremy Kahn (Brown University)
The Surface Subgroup Theorem and the Ehrenpreis conjecture

Past semesters' pages: Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011

Users of iCal (or any other calendar program supporting calDav) can subscribe to this calendar via this link.

Co-Organizers: Julien Dubédat, Mikhail Khovanov and Rachel Ollivier