Equivariant Chow groups: applications to quadratic forms and algebraic groups -- Burt Totaro

For an algebraic group G, we want to classify G-bundles over arbitrary fields. For example, PGL(n)-bundles over a field are equivalent to projective bundles (or, in algebraic terms, to central simple algebras), and O(n)-bundles over a field are equivalent to quadratic forms.

Grothendieck was able to relate these algebraic problems to the topology of the group G. I will describe an improved proof of Grothendieck's theorem, using the simple geometric definition of equivariant Chow groups.

Using Grothendieck's theorem plus some new calculations, we get information about G-bundles over arbitrary fields, for all types of Lie groups (including E_8). In the case of orthogonal groups and spin groups, we get new results about splitting fields for quadratic forms.