The Hodge theory of algebraic maps -- Mark Andrea de Cataldo, September 19, 2003

I will discuss recent results of my joint work with L. Migliorini at Bologna. I will try to give a flavor of the results which are concerned with the structure induced on the cohomology H*(X,Q) of a projective manifold X by a projective map f: X --> Y. In particular:

- we decompose H*(X,Q) as a double direct sum of Hodge structures polarized by the intersection form on X (this generalizes the Primitive Lefschetz Decomposition and the Hodge-Riemann Bilinear Relations),

- we determine the refined intersection form on the homology of the fibers of the map f (this generalizes the Grauert-Mumford criterion for the contraction of curves on surfaces).

These results imply directly a refined version of the Decomposition Theorem of Beilinson, Bernstein, Deligne and Gabber for arbitrary proper algebraic maps.