Fall 2016

The most up-to-date information on this course will eventually be found on the Courseworks page for this course.

Time and place: MW 2:40-3:55 Location: Math 520
Lecturer: Walter Neumann (x45074, 616 Mathematics),
Office hours: MW 10-11 and by appointment
Home page:

Text: Allan Hatcher ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY, Cambridge University Press 2002. The book is available online on Hatcher's homepage, but I recommend obtaining a paper copy. It is available at the University bookstore; see also AddALL.

Homework: There will be regular problem sets, due in the homework box on the 4th floor Mathematics by 1pm the week after they are assigned.

You may use any resources you like to solve problems, but any resource must be cited in your homework. This includes books, electronic resources such as Google and Wikipedia, help from others. In particular, collaboration and discussion is encouraged, but you must write up assignments individually. Failure to follow these rules appropriately constitutes academic misconduct.


Homework 40%
Midterm 25%
Final 35%

Final: this is centrally scheduled by the University (TBA). It must be taken at the scheduled time. If you have two final examinations scheduled at the same time, it is the responsibility of the other department to provide an alternate exam.

Help: My office hours are (tentatively) MW 10-11 or by appointment.