Department of Mathematics


Supported by a generous grant from the Minerva Research Foundation

Sara Biagini
University of Pisa

Topics in Portfolio Optimization with general underlying Assets 

Lecture 1: Tuesday Jan 20, 9:30AM-11AM
Lecture 2: Wednesday Jan 21, 9:30AM-11AM
Lecture 3: Thursday Jan 22, 9:30AM-11AM
Lecture 4: Friday Jan 23, 9:30AM-11AM
Lecture 5: Tuesday Jan 27, 9:30AM-11AM

1025 School of Social Work Building
Room 1025, 10th Floor
 - 1255 Amsterdam Avenue-between. 121st & 122nd Street -

Aim of the Lectures and PrerequisitesWe provide a theoretical framework for portfolio optimization with general, possibly non-locally bounded, processes. Some familiarity is assumed with:  1) the basic concepts of stochastic calculus, such as predictable processes, (super, local) martingales, semimartingales and stochastic integration;  2) functional and convex analysis, especially for Lecture 5.  However we will try to be as self-contained as possible.

Lecture 1: The market model and absence of arbitrage
.  The increasing complexity of financial instruments requires more general models for the underlying assets, which can be non-locally bounded. We give some examples, including Levy models. In such genera-lity, the notion of No Arbitrage must be replaced by No Free Lunch with Vanishing Risk. In the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing for non-locally bounded processes, Del-baen and Schachermayer 1998 showed that the pricing measures in this context are the sigma-martingale measures instead of (local) martingale measures. The mathematical concept of sigma-martingale process was introduced by Chou and Emery in the '70s and it is a generalization of the martingale concept. We illustrate it in a variety of examples.

Lecture 2: Which set of admissible strategies?
  The choice of a good set of admissible strategies is a fundamental and highly non-trivial issue. Harrison and Kreps noted that a certain type of strategy, "the doubling" strategy, starting with zero money generates a positive net return with probability one and within a finite time. Such strategies violate with their inconsistency the foundations of Mathematical Finance and the No-Arbitrage Pricing Theory. Therefore, since Harrison and Kreps a wide variety of constraints has been proposed in order to rule out the doubling strategy. The class of strategies widely used in the applications, like portfolio selection, are the uniformly bounded-from-below strategies H which have nice mathematical properties (an application of the Ansel-Stricker Lemma gives that these processes are local martingales and supermartingales ) and a clear financial interpretation (finite credit line during the trading). But if one wants to account for unbounded stock prices, the set H is not enough, as it may reduce to the trivial zero strategy: H = {0}. There have been so far some proposals (e.g. Delbaen and Schachermayer 1998 in the super-replication price problem, Biagini and Frittelli for utility maximization) in order to define a good set of strategies in such a way to account for general asset prices and still preserve the features of the Ansel-Stricker lemma. We focus on the Biagini-Frittelli definition of admissible set H^W, consisting of strategies which are bounded from below by a random control W.

Lecture 3: Utility Maximization (A).  The set of strategies HW performs well in applica-tions, the case study here analyzed being expected utility maximization from terminal wealth. After giving some precise mathematical definitions, we point out how the pro-blems of maximizing utility with restrictions on the wealth (say, the utility U(x) = log x) and of maximizing unrestricted utility (say U(x) = 1-e^{-x}) can be unified by the use of Orlicz spaces. We will see that these spaces, generalizations of the classic L^p  spaces, are naturally induced by the utility function U itself and thus provide a natural framework for the problem. 

Lecture 4: Utility Maximization (B). We go into the details of the proofs of the optimiza-tion problem, solved via duality methods. The dual problem has the nice feature of being defined over the sigma-martingale measures. Also, the optimal investment H^* satisfies some nice properties. We show how these results can be extended to cover the problem of utility maximization with random endowment.

Lecture 5: The indifference price as a risk measure. This new Orlicz formulation enables several key properties of the indifference price p(B) of a claim B satisfying conditions weaker than those assumed in the current literature. In particular, the indifference price functional  turns out to be, apart from a sign, a convex risk measure on the Orlicz space  
induced by the utility function

We conclude the lectures by pointing out some open problems.