Undergraduate Seminar (Fall 2015): Elliptic Curves

Daniel Gulotta
dgulotta .at. math.columbia.edu
Experience with proofs and elementary number theory is recommended.
Location and time
Monday and Wednesday 4:10-5:10 PM in 622 Math.
Office Hours
I will be in the help room (406 Math) on Mondays from 1-2pm, Tuesdays from 3-4pm, and Fridays from 12-1pm. Let me know if you want to meet at some other time.


The main reference for the couse will be:

The following reference isn't required, but you may want to take a look at it to get a different perspective on the material.


Each student will give two 50-minute lectures and write a paper (approximately 10 pages) on a topic related to the course. A third lecture is optional.

The goal of the paper assignment is to learn something new about a topic related to the class, and then write an article to introducing the topic to other undergraduate mathematics majors. Here is a list of suggested topics for the paper. If you want some ideas on how to structure your paper, you can look at some examples here, or ask me. The first draft will be due before Thanksgiving break, and the final version will be due on the last day of classes.

I recommend that you use LaTeX to typeset your paper. A good reference for LaTeX is The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e. Detexify is useful for looking up LaTeX symbols.

Some useful mathematical writing resources:

Schedule of talks

All references are to Silverman and Tate unless otherwise noted. [IR] refers to A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory by Ireland and Rosen.

Monday, September 14Conics (I.1)Dan
Wednesday, September 16Projective curves (A.1-2)Dan
Monday, September 21Intersections of projective curves (A.3)Ben
Wednesday, September 23Geometry of cubic curves (I.2)Xin
Monday, September 28Weierstrass normal form (I.3)Colin
Wednesday, September 30Group law (I.4)Emily
Monday, October 5Points of order two and three (II.1)Ishrat
Wednesday, October 7Real and complex points (II.2)Shelby
Monday, October 12Discriminant, points of finite order have integer coordinates (II.3-4)Joe
Wednesday, October 14Points of finite order have integer coordinates (II.4)Srikar
Monday, October 19Points of finite order have integer coordinates, Nagell-Lutz Theorem (II.4-5)Srikar
Wednesday, October 21Heights and descent (III.1)Giovan
Monday, October 26Height of P+P0 (III.2)Emily
Wednesday, October 28Height of 2P (III.3)Ben
Wednesday, November 4A useful homomorphism (III.4)Colin
Monday, November 9A useful homomorphism (III.4)Joe
Wednesday, November 11Mordell's Theorem (III.5)Xin
Monday, November 16Mordell's Theorem, examples (III.5-6)Ishrat
Wednseday, November 18Examples (III.6)Giovan
Monday, November 23Examples (III.6)Shelby
Monday, November 30Singular cubics (III.7)Colin
Wednesday, December 2Rational points over finite fields (IV.1)Shelby
Monday, December 7Gauss's Theorem (IV.2)Giovan
Wednesday, December 9Gauss's Theorem (IV.2, [IR] 8.3)Dan
Monday, December 14Points of finite order revisited (IV.3)Dan