Columbia Math Undergraduate Summer Research Program, 2016

Program Information and Application Instructions

Application deadline: February 15, 2016.
Eligibility: Any Columbia / Barnard student (independent of U.S. residency). Students graduating before summer 2016 will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
Application process: e-mail completed application form to, with "Application for 2016 REU" in the subject line.

Program dates: May 31 - August 5, 2016.
Stipend: $3500. Summer session housing is also paid for by the program.


For more information, contact Melissa Liu. Some information about past years' programs is available here.

Project Abstracts

Constructions and Obstructions of Symplectic Embeddings
Jo Nelson
A symplectic manifold is an even dimensional manifold which admits a nondegenerate closed 2-form; this allows one to measures 2-dimensional space within the manifold, akin to dxdy or rdrd\theta from multivariable calculus. A major question in the field is when one symplectic manifold can be symplectically embedded into another. Gromov's nonsqueezing theorem tells us that one cannot symplectically squeeze a large 2n-dimensional ball into a thin 2n-dimensional cylinder. Thus while symplectic diffeomorphisms are volume-preserving, it is much more restrictive for a diffeomorphism to be symplectic than volume preserving. This research project will involve exploring constructions and obstructions to 4 dimensional symplectic embeddings by exploiting a relationship between symplectic embedding problems and lattice point counts in polygonal regions.

Interacting particle systems and representations of quantized Lie Algebras
Jeffrey Kuan
The asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) is a central object of study in interacting particle systems and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Despite its analytical and physical description, it can also be studied algebraically: namely, it satisfies a symmetry with the fundamental representa- tion of the quantized Lie algebra U_q(sl_2), which can be used to prove stochastic duality.
In this project, we investigate a natural extension to different classes of simple Lie algebras of higher rank.

What does a random variety look like?
Daniel Halpern-Leistner and Daniel Litt
Much recent work in mathematics (by Poonen, Vakil, Matchett-Wood, Ellenberg, and others) has focused on understanding the properties of "random" systems of polynomial equations over a finite field. The most basic question one can ask is: how many solutions are there to a random system of equations? What is the distribution of the number of solutions? More geometrically, what is the probability that the set of solutions to such a system (also known as a variety) is smooth? The answers to these sorts of questions often have deep arithmetic or geometric significance.
This project will study some variant questions--for example, what is the size of the automorphism group of a "random" hypersurface? How many hypersurfaces have a given automorphism group? Given time, we may also study more arithmetic invariants--for example, the average rank or torsion subgroup of an elliptic fibration, or the average size of the Brauer group of a hypersurface.
Some background in programming, number theory, or algebraic geometry will be useful; for example, students should know what a finite field is.