Spring 2014

Assignments will count as 10% of the course grade, and are due by Noon on Tuesdays in the homework box for our class, by 410 Math.

Homework 7, due April 22

Homework 7 has been emailed to you; please let me know if you’d like me to send it again. Your copy identifies you for scanning and grading purposes. Homework 7 is due on Tuesday, April 22.

For ease in finding this assignment in your email, search for the following nonsense string: igsheulexotobzhq

Please print out this homework single-sided, and submit these printed sheets, as if you are handing in an exam.

Each problem will be graded separately by sorting into piles, and then scanned. Only one problem can appear on each sheet of paper. If you need additional sheets of paper for a problem, staple them behind that problem.

Please use plain copier paper as additional sheets. 3-ring binder paper, and paper torn from notebooks, doesn’t scan as easily.