Chapter 11. Continued Fractions

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Continued fractions are expressions of the form


where the tex2html_wrap_inline216 's are usually integers. This expression is denoted by tex2html_wrap_inline218 .

The simplest continued fraction expansions are those of rational numbers a/b and the entries are just the quotients occurring in the Euclidean algorithm computation of the gcd of a and b. For example,


This expansion follows from the following computation of the greatest common divisor.


We can rewrite these as fractions, and by combining them, write tex2html_wrap_inline226 in terms of the successive quotients:


Combining these equations yields the formula


where in (1) we have replaced tex2html_wrap_inline228 with from (2), replace tex2html_wrap_inline232 by \;, and so on.

Continued fractions occur naturally in approximation of real numbers by rational numbers with bounded denominators. These approximation properties lead to efficient formulas for the computation of many classical transcendental functions. Additional applications of continued fractions are in the solution of Diophantine equations such as tex2html_wrap204 , and more generally tex2html_wrap205 .

This chapter studies the basic properties of finite and infinite continued fractions, periodic continued fractions, and the continued fraction expansion of e. The continued fraction expansion is
