COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - Department of Mathematics

S E M I N A R S -

Week of November 17, 1997

MONDAY, November 17

Number Theory: (D. Goldfeld, H. Jacquet, S.W. Zhang)
Ben Lichtin (Rochester), "Estimates for two variable exponential sums and an extension of Igusa's theory"
5:30 p.m., 507 Math. Tea will be served at 5:00 p.m., 508 Math.

TUESDAY, November 18

Group Theory: (H. Bass, S. Mokhtari-Sharghi)
Yair Glasner (Hebrew Univ.), "On the arithmatic uniform lattices in Aut (the product of two trees) - continuation"
9:00 a.m., 507 Math.

WEDNESDAY, November 19

Group Theory: (H. Bass, S. Mokhtari-Sharghi)
Nadia Benakli, "On JSJ decomposition - continuation"
9:00 a.m., 405 Math.

New York Seminar on Geometry and Physics: (B. Greene)
Dan Kabat (IAS, Princeton), "Introduction to theory M (atrix) - Part II of III"
10:00 a.m., 507 Math. Coffee will be served at 9:45 a.m., 508 Math.

Special Geometry and Analysis: (M. Kuranishi)
Makoto Namba (Osaka, Japan), "Degenerating families of branched coverings of balls and fundamental groups"
2:30 p.m., 507 Math.

Applied Mathematics Colloquim: (C.K. Chu), jointly sponsored by the Applied Mathematics Division, Applied Physics Department and the Department of Mathematics
Zhouping Xin (Courant, NYU), "Vortex method and multi-branch vortex shapes"
4:30 p.m., 214 S.W. Mudd

THURSDAY, November 20

Geometry and Analysis: (M. Kuranishi)
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (IHES), "Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifold"
1:10 p.m., 405 Math.

Geometry and Analysis: (M. Kuranishi)
Katsumi Nomizu (Brown), "An introduction to affine differential geometry"
2:30 p.m., 507 Math.

 FRIDAY, November 21

Probability Seminar: (I. Karatzas)
Cheng-Der Fuh (Academia Sinica & Rutgers)
"Wald's equations, Wiener-Hopf factorization and moments of ladder variables for Markov random walks"
10:45 a.m., 520 Math.

Working Seminar-Critical Values of L-functions: (S.W. Zhang)
Nan Chen, "Positivity of the central critical values of automorphic L-function for GL(2)" - continuation
11:00 a.m., 507 Math.

Geometric Topology: (J. Birman, B. Mangum)
Tahl Nowik, "An introduction to least area surfaces and geometric measure theory"
1:15 p.m., 507 Math.