COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - Department of Mathematics

S E M I N A R S -

Week of February 23, 1998

MONDAY, February 23

Probabilty: (I. Karatzas)
David Mason (Delaware)
"A Martingale approach to weighted approximations", 4:10 p.m., 203 Math.

Number Theory: (D. Goldfeld, H. Jacquet, S.W. Zhang)
Burton Randol (CUNY)
"Some remarks on lattice point problems", 5:30 p.m., 507 Math. Tea will be served at 5:00 p.m., 508 Math.

TUESDAY, February 24

Colloquium: (J. Birman)
Arlie Petters (Princeton)
"Singularity theory and gravitational lensing", 4:30 p.m., 507 Math. 

WEDNESDAY, February 25

New York Seminar on Geometry and Physics: (B. Greene)
Calin Lazaroiu (Physics, Columbia)
"D-branes and their associated impact on our understanding of quantum geometry: Part I of IV"
10:00 a.m., 705 Pupin.

Applied Mathematics Colloquim: (C.K. Chu), jointly sponsored by the Applied Mathematics Division, Applied Physics Department and the Department of Mathematics
M. Shelley (Courant, NYU)
"Pattern formation in complex fluids", 4:30 p.m., 312 Math. Tea will be served at 4:00 p.m., 508 Math.

THURSDAY, February 26

Geometry and Analysis: (M. Kuranishi, D.H. Phong)
Emmanuel Candes (Stanford)
"Ridgelets: Theory and Applications", 2:30 p.m., 507 Math.

Working Seminar - Trees and Related Topics: (N. Benakli, Y. Glasner, S. Mokhtari-Sharghi)
"Trees and SL2" - continuation, 6:30 p.m., 507 Math.

FRIDAY, February 27

Algebraic Geometry: (R. Friedman)

Geometric Topology: (J. Birman, B. Mangum)
Jeff Lagarius (AT&T)
"The computational complexity of unknotting", 1:15 p.m., 507 Math.

Working Seminar-Syzygies and Geometry: (D. Bayer, H. Pinkham, S. Popescu)